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AncientWay Husbandry™

Here you will find many of the projects currently underway or in the planning stages regarding the care and maintenance of flocks, herds, swarms, schools, packs and other groups of creatures both large and small. Some are raised for the nourishment of the Two-Leggeds and others for the nourishment of the creatures within the Village. With careful consideration of interconnection you will discover that each of the projects within the Ubuntu Village, Prairie Creek Settlement have been introduced to complement and enhance each developed ecosystem.


AncientWay Husbandry Courses exist to train the Steward of Husbandry gentle shepherding techniques and Natural means of raising creatures that serve to improve upon the creatures overall health and resilience without the need for synthetic, chemical or drug related interventions. The Steward of Husbandry learns how to connect with the Creature at the Creatures level, he or she becomes the expert and learns communication with the creatures under his or her care via all of the Human senses.
Below are current and planned Husbandry related projects within the Ubuntu Village, Prairie Creek Settlement. Details about each of the projects and their purpose can be seen by selecting the photo for each project below.
Note: Those seeking an Instructor role in the Village for any of the following AncientWay Husbandry™ Course subjects need to contact using the link located on each project page.

~ Hair Sheep ~

Grazing Diversity

Parasite Control




~ Ducks & Geese ~

Grazing Diversity

Insect/Slug/Snail Control





~ Chickens ~

Grazing Diversity

Weed Control

Insect Control





~ Dairy Cattle ~

Grazing Diversity





~ Rabbits ~




~ Turkey ~

Grazing Diversity

Insect Control





~ Jumbo Quail ~





~ Worms & Insects ~




Food Source

Pest Control

~ Fish ~



Water Purification for Plants

© 2007-2018 by Oklevueha Native American Church of Acts, Prairie Creek Settlement


All of the areas of our site were created with the intention to offer you as many of the pertinent articles, videos, links and information that served for us as breadcrumbs marking out the path we have traveled to arrive where we are today. This road map of sorts we offer you here is designed to bring you along the path we ourselves have traveled so that should you desire to take our AncientWay Living™ Courses, Join the Ubuntu Village here, Become a Member of our Oklevueha Native American Church or just share in general discussion with us, should we meet someday, then there may exist a good basis from which to mutually benefit one another in productive and informative conversation.


All of our AncientWay Living™ Courses are structured with the concepts presented within our site and these concepts are built into the foundation of our courses. Think of the information presented here as a form of "Required Reading" if you want to get the most out of your interactions with us. We then expand upon these concepts and practices with additional wisdom based in Nature and Ancient Practices to enhance the existing models.

This is also the basis from which many of the practices carried out within the Ubuntu Village 'Prairie Creek Settlement' can be best understood.

NOTE: It is critically important to understand that we do not necessarily endorse ALL of the information presented as conclusive or complete. Rather as stated before we have discovered wisdom and a place from which to formulate new "old" ideas and grow from in most cases.


We hope you enjoy reviewing our journey and we look forward to connecting with all who have "walked a (virtual) mile in our shoes" to discover where we resonate with one another.

~Walk Sacred~



This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material available in my efforts to advance understanding of issues of environmental and humanitarian significance. I believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

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