The Sacred
Written Thoughts by - Kevin ‘He Who Has Know Name’ Towt, President of Oklevueha Native American Church of Orderville, ONAC of Touquerville and Author of the Book, The Second Genesis Transformation: Passage to Spontaneous Regeneration
The Sacred
Human and plant are extensions of one another; What man breathes out (stinking, carbon dioxide), the tree inhales. What the tree exhales (fragrant, pure oxygen), human kind inhales. People everywhere including indigenous peoples of the jungles have become overwhelmingly desensitized to this certainty of life. Economic survival drives a destruction of old growth forests unseen before in human history. The beauty of how this continued devastation can be curtailed lays hidden in the Sacred Science of man’s evolution.
Keeping man from experiencing the Great Mystery…that is in and through all things…is our own mistaken ways. The maturing, transformational/evolving journey can begin with the riddle… stopping sickness and disease. Not simply of the ‘physical’ body, a disease of the mind and emotions is ever present. They are one and the same and cannot be separated. Once the body and spirit begins amending the onslaught of cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease and other ailments, the negative emotions of depression, anxiety, fear, panic, anger and hatred disappear in turn. A euphoria of freedom takes hold as a direct result of increasing empowerment and confidence while our power to reason clears and expands into new horizons.
Surging forward is the transformational/restoring event in a state of harmony with life that was ‘missing’ and unknown before. This event brings feelings of peace and contentment, an abundance of joy and a sense of something experienced but not yet fully understood. There is increased gratitude, awe and wonderment with life as we ‘see with new eyes’ Its’ strength coursing through inner ‘human’ waters. Behavior toward one another and all living changes. It is a ‘by-product’ of the Experience of Oneness with the process of healing. Although invisible and unknown, it feels like ‘Coming Home’. It is more intimate than anything a person has experienced before now. This is at the core of what restoration to the Truth is…a return to the Sacred. It begins in many ways and fundamentally with every meal becoming the Sacred Sacrament it was meant to be from the beginning of time.
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