Transformational Journey
Written Thoughts by - Kevin ‘He Who Has Know Name’ Towt, President of Oklevueha Native American Church of Orderville, ONAC of Touquerville and Author of the Book, The Second Genesis Transformation: Passage to Spontaneous Regeneration
Transformational Journey
New to days ‘mind set’ of health; an ancient paradigm of metamorphosis or transformation exists right now. It has been here for eons of time. Passed down in oral tradition from one generation to another, it shows up in indigenous cultures from all around the world and in many different times and ages. Largely lost in these ancient stories, lay hidden truths of the ‘how to’ or actions individuals can engage in for their healing and transformation.
Today, the Sacred Way is making Itself more and more known. It shows up in the least expected of places. Sometimes the insights are not easy to interpret, but life is communicating this ancient message with increasing accuracy and simplicity. It is a ‘story’ that knows no end. It is a Way of Life that will never end. Its’ blessings are all Sacred and include such simple realities as a clear, sharp mind or a wonderful sweet breath and odorless body. How many know and more importantly, understand why we carry a rotting stink? ‘Physical’ human purity…regeneration of new tissues…is such a simple thing to experience and know every day.
Will we…once presented the truth of our dilemma…be willing to take the responsibility for our actions and change that which is required in our lives? Or is the resistance so great, an action is never taken? Rest assured, there are ancient ways in Ceremony and Sacrament that can transport every soul out of their resistance and into action. Can you imagine the personal inspiration that comes about in these events? Remember, you are not alone…there is assistance with every step.
This is why it is called the “Transforming Journey”. There may seem to be overwhelming obstacles right now to what you know in regards to this personal great work. Even identifying where to begin can seem hopeless and futile. But it is a journey not a destination. The Sacred is in and through all things and it will make Itself known. Its’ transforming principles will be experienced by every one and all will know that the most fundamental nature of the Mother Earth and Her Ways for mankind are Sacred.
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